This book fills a gap that I first noticed when beginning practice as an HVAC engineer thirty years ago.  There was no comprehensive manual explaining how to go about designing HVAC for a commercial or institutional building such as an office, a church, or a school.  I was not working for a consulting firm, so had no senior experienced engineers to guide me.  I had to learn from the architects, contractors, and engineers of other disciplines by observing and asking questions.  In this book you will find what I learned in those years as it applies to the small projects most likely to be fulfilled by independent designers working out of small one or two person offices.

HVAC Design from Clean Sheet to Blueprint - 2nd edition can be downloaded here

A few chapters are available for viewing here. Click below to browse a few selected chapters. The Introduction is a comprehensive statement of the scope and purpose of the book. The scope and content of all of the other chapters is given in the anotated Table of Contents.

Chapter 1 - Procedure Outline - The Clean Sheet
Chapter 4 - Balancing Outdoor Air and Exhaust Air
Chapter 7 - Psychrometric Considerations
Chapter 10 - Air Distribution
Chapter 13 - Checking Your Work