Robin's Nest
Family Album

Rainbow line

I have a terrific husband named Bob. This is Bob at work (.gif 61K). If you're curious about the toilet paper, there's a story! E-mail me and I'll explain!

We had an 18 year old gray kitty named Grayball (.gif 23K). She will always hold a special place in my heart. She was my very first kitty. She passed away on May 30, 2007

We are all being kept young now by our newest family member Buster (.jpg). He's an Australian Cattle Dog mix. He tries to herd everything, including the furniture! Hee-hee! He's almost 6 years old now.

Besamé (.jpg60K) is our white dove. She was rescued from a wedding dove release 10 years ago! The poor doves released at this wedding had absolutely no fear of people, animals or vehicles. I don't know what happened to the others, but Besamé is safe and happy now. She loves her swing, her toys, and she coos all day long. (We know she is female because she is an egg-laying machine!) By the way, her name is Besamé because the bride had requested the song "Besamé Mucho" for the recessional. Our cats enjoy watching Besamé, but they can't get at her. She, thankfully, had absolutely no fear of the cats!

This is our old sailboat,"Spanish Moss" (.jpg 14K). She was perfect for 2-person cruising. We owned her for 9 years, and sold her in 2000.

Then we bought Jumbly Cat (.jpg 415K)! She is a 14' catboat (not catamaran!), and we don't even use an engine. Back to basic sailing for us!

Special thanks to Kathy (you know who you are) H. for scanning some of these photos for me, way back before digital cameras were the norm!

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