A STORY OF A TEACHER Based on a true story. by David P. Christie This story is but another example of the injustice of this world and how one man's sacrifice can change the world. This story takes place long ago in a distant country. The people of this country didn't share the freedoms that the people of America take for granted and sometimes take advantage of. The population was being controlled by an oppressive government, the leaders and teachers of the people where the government's puppets, they were not to be trusted. The natives of this land cried out for freedom but they saw only hardship. Then one day a teacher appeared, he was not like the other teachers or those on the Board of Education. This teacher did not teach out of his own selfish desires, but he taught new truths to the people. He told the people about life, love, and freedom from their captors. Many people were skeptical and rejected him, they considered his words that of a heretic, but many people also followed him. News of the teacher and his new teachings spread fast throughout the land, soon everyone was talking about him and this bothered the Board of Educators, so they sent spies and messengers to listen to what this man was teaching to the masses. The Educators began to grow nervous about what might happen if this man were to continue his teaching to the public, they could lose their influence over all the people, and who knows where that could lead. So the leaders set up assassination attempts on the man, but they all failed, it seemed as if nothing could stop this man. Finally out of desperation the Board of Educators went to their equivalent of the governor. They told the governor that this man was causing a dangerous disturbance among the people, however the governor found no basis for an investigation of the charges, so in one last attempt the leaders told the governor that the teacher was claiming to be the leader of the people and so he was committing treason against the government. Now this caught the governor's attention so he ordered that the teacher be arrested. The police brought the man before the governor and he asked the man "Do you claim to be your peoples leader?" the teacher replied that it was true, so the governor ordered that the man be beaten and thrown into prison. This country had no restrictions on police brutality so they beat and whipped him severely and threw him into a cell. Now at this time the governor had an option to release one of the prisoners to the people, so he consulted the leaders and some of the people regarding the release of the teacher. The people were outraged and yelled "execute him!" So on that same day the teacher was taken and executed along with two other criminals. Even though the teacher was dead his words did not die, they had touched the hearts and lives of many people and would continue to do so, even unto the end of time. THE END Cast of characters The Teacher Jesus Christ Board of Educators The Religious Leaders The Governor Pontius Pilate The Police Force Solders of the Roman Army Special Mention The Country of Israel The government of Rome Rome's form of Execution - The Cross EPILOGUE This short story has a sad and tragic ending, but in the true story from which this is based, the tragic ending turned into a glorious victory for mankind. Jesus Christ was not only a teacher, He is also the Son of God, and on the third day after his death, he rose again, thus conquering the power of death and hell. In Him there is life, life for those who seek him. "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, so whosoever believes in Him shall not die, but have Eternal Life." [John 3:16] *** A Story of a Teacher. (C) Copyright 1991 by David P. Christie This work has been copyrighted with the U.S. Library of Congress This work may be used freely for the sole purpose of Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any use for monetary reasons will be considered a violation of copyright laws. --David P. Christie