Adult Religious Education (RE) Contacts:

Isabel Sheridan, Adult RE Coordinator (668-0785, iasheridan@nettally.com)

Maggie Geraci, Director of Religious Educationn (dremaggie@earthlink.net; 877-6301).
Interpreting the ‘intergenerational coding’ in the Adult Religious Education listings

In an effort to address the needs of all our congregants, find the following codes at the ends of some classes:

Baby-friendly – Infants and young toddlers are welcome to attend with parents, who assume responsibility for them.

Childcare provided – Childcare has already been lined up for this.

Childcare available upon request – Let the contact know you need childcare; s/he will arrange for it at or near the gathering.

In addition, transportation can be arranged upon request for those who cannot or prefer not to drive. Please contact the Adult Enrichment coordinator for assistance.

Current Classes & Opportunities

Exploring Spiritual Practices. Group decides this month whether to continue meeting without Rev. Lyn facilitating. For update, contact Isabel Sheridan (668-0785, iasheridan@nettally.com).

How are you taking care of yourself spiritually? The intention behind this class is to explore spiritual practices of all varieties - to learn by ‘doing’ through meditations, music, readings, rituals, etc. It is also a premise that everyone has something to give and something to receive.

Future Classes and Opportunities

The following classes will be offered in the future.

Evensong. This 8-session course is designed by UUA to promote a deeper sense of community in a small group setting that allows deep listening and knowing of each other. To sign up for next course, contact Isabel Sheridan (668-0785, iasheridan@nettally.com).

New UU. Next sessions TBA in May or June. These sessions are offered on a regular basis for those new to Unitarian Universalism and UUs new to UUCT. They are usually offered two consecutive weeks on a weeknight (four hours total), but occasionally we also offer a single, three-hour Sunday afternoon session, when there is enough interest in one. Participants share some about themselves, including their spiritual journeys, and learn a little about the church and the greater Unitarian Universalist movement. There is also time for some discussion, and our minister co-facilitates. A sign-up sheet is on the back counter of the sanctuary. Or contact the church office (385-5115, uuct@nettally.com) or membership chair Trudy Deyle (422-1057, gdeyle@juno.com).

Right Relations. In six sessions, stand in a place of curiosity as you reflect upon, experience, and build skills that make relationships lively and life-giving. Learn about right relations and how practicing them strengthens our church community. To sign up for next course, contact Isabel Sheridan (668-0785, iasheridan@nettally.com).

UU Committed Couples Enrichment Program. A UU principles- and values based enrichment program designed for married/partnered adults, gay and straight alike, to nurture intimacy, spiritual connection, and emotional fulfillment. Topics include: covenant, humility, trust, dignity, generosity, connection, playfulness, collaboration, commitment, love, and celebration. To be offered as a series of short workshops or as a more intensive retreat-type program. Will begin in May or June. Contact Kim Ross NOW to sign up (877-1972, kim@associatedadvocates.com).

On-Going Opportunities

Adult Forum. Meets Sundays 9:45-10:45 AM, Rm. L. Open to everyone. Contact: Norene Chase (422-1985, nochase@earthlink.net). The month’s topics are as follows:

Freethinker’s Forum. The UUCT Freethinker's Forum, founded in early 2005 by retired UU minister Harold Hawkins and Ronald Crowe, is an adult education group that meets weekly to study and discuss issues of philosophy and religion. Among our areas of interest are the contributions to civilization of freethinkers across the ages, from the ancients to modern times, including Socrates, Omar Khayyam, Michael Servetus, Giordano Bruno, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, Robert Green Ingersoll, etc. We are also interested in the history and evolution of religious mythology, as well as the positive and negative effects of organized religion, especially fundamentalism, both on our democracy and the world's civilizations. Books presented and discussed include Susan Jacoby's Freethinkers, Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World, and Sam Harris's The End of Faith.

The UUCT Freethinkers’ affiliation with the Center for Inquiry--Tallahassee (local chapter of the national group that publishes Free Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer magazines) enriches both the Forum and UUCT by bringing in such stimulating and informative speakers as professors David Koepsel, Richard Hull, Gary Stilwell, and David Felder.

The UUCT Freethinker's Forum is open to the public and meets Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in Room L. For current topics, ccontact Ron Crowe (rongcro2@juno.com, 997-5307).

UU Buddhist Fellowship. Will resume when Anne Rudloe is again able to lead the group. Contact: Anne Rudloe (984-5204, rudloe@bio.fsu.edu).

Online Educational Opportunities

The Church of the Larger Fellowship's (CLF) Online Learning Center, an educational facility, provides courses designed to serve a variety of people—from complete newcomers to Unitarian Universalism who want to learn more about our liberal faith to long-time CLF members who are hoping to deepen their spiritual and ethical lives. Courses are divided into four categories: UU identity, theology and faith development, spiritual practice, and ethics and social Justice.

There is no cost for the introductory courses ("A Chosen Faith Study Guide" and "The New UU"). Other classes carry a $40 fee, in order to enable CLF to bring in experts from beyond their staff. Scholarships are available; contact Lynn Ungar at RE@clfuu.org. Teachers are able to post class materials and assignments on the Learning Center site, and students are able to post their responses, which the software then distributes to teachers and participants. Although some classes may include online chats or larger audio files, most class work takes place in email format and will work for those with slower internet connections. For more information or to sign up for a course, go to http://www.uua.org/clf/learn/. Upcoming courses include:

A Chosen Faith – Self Study Guide (on going)

For New Unitarian Universalists (on going)