Other Educational Opportunities

The New UU
If you are a new member or thinking of joining UUCT, these sessions offer an opportunity for newcomers (and those wanting a refresher course) to learn about the history, philosophy, and policies of our congregation and denomination and also share a little about their own spiritual journeys. It’s offered at various times throughout the year as a single half-day, two evenings, or several Sunday mornings. Watch for announcements. Contact Trudy Deyle at e-mail: gdeyle@juno.com for further information.

The Mountain
Located high in the Blue Ridge of the Southern Appalachians atop little Scaly Mountain—four miles southwest of Highlands, North Carolina—the Mountain Retreat and Learning Center is a not-for-profit, year-round facility with a proud tradition of dynamic, meaningful programs and quality services for old and young. A variety of fun camps and activities are offered in the spirit of Unitarian Universalism, with emphasis on environmentalism and our Seven Principles.
For more information about Mountain programs, camps, and activities, visit http://www.mountaincenters.org/. Or, take a look The Mountain notebook at the back of the sanctuary, or contact the Mountain Ambassador, Elinor Elfner, at e-mail: eelfner@comcast.net.

Adult Forum
The Forum is held Sundays from 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. in Room L, and is open to all who are interested. Topics have included the School of the Americas, nonviolence, the FTAA, urban sprawl, and the Better Transportation Coalition. Every third Sunday, the topic relates to the Green Sanctuary program. Watch The Meridian for announcements. For more information, contact Norene Chase at: 422-1985; or via e-mail at: twchase@tallynet.com

Dances of Universal Peace
Meditative circle dances are simple, uplifting, and rejuvenating. They are held in the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of each month. Contacts Tom or Katya Taylor for more information at: 656-9321; or via e-mail at: katom@istal.com

Freethinker's Forum
The UUCT Freethinker's Forum, founded in early 2005 by retired UU minister Harold Hawkins and Ronald Crowe, is an adult education group that meets weekly to study and discuss issues of philosophy and religion. Among our areas of interest are the contributions to civilization of freethinkers across the ages, from the ancients to modern times, including Socrates, Omar Khayyam, Michael Servetus, Giordano Bruno, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, Robert Green Ingersoll, etc. We are also interested in the history and evolution of religious mythology, as well as the positive and negative effects of organized religion, especially fundamentalism, both on our democracy and the world's civilizations. Books presented and discussed include Susan Jacoby's Freethinkers, Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World, and Sam Harris's The End of Faith.
The UUCT Freethinkers affiliation with the Center for Inquiry-Tallahassee (local chapter of the national group that publishes Free Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer magazines) enriches both the Forum and UUCT by bringing in such stimulating and informative speakers as professors David Koepsel, Richard Hull, Gary Stilwell, and David Felder.
The UUCT Freethinker's Forum is open to members and friends of UUCT, and the general public. It meets Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in Room L of the Church Annex.