Otter Dad's Den & Freeware - Windows Utils

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program size description 109KB 12-29-97 Alarm Clock is a very simple program to tell you the time. It can also; as the name suggests alarm you either at a certain hour or after a certain period has gone by. 44KB 12-27-97 why have all your startup items execute at once and clog your cpu? put em on a timer at scheduled intervals - launch a program after ten secs or ten days 231KB 04-20-97 ALLCHARS FOR WINDOWS makes the characters not found on your keybord easy accessible within Windows. Just hit the CTRL-key and two characters together defining the special character. You can add and change key definitions. Version 2 is for 32-bit Windows (Win95 and NT 4.0 upwards) and supports MACRO's. 124KB 05-20-97 Keys is a free keyboard remapping tool. - NT VERSION - download this file AND 75KB 05-15-97 Keys is a free keyboard remapping tool. - Windows 3.xx and Windows 95 compatible (but no NT yet !) - detailed online help - virtually ulimited number of maps (100) - all keys but enter programable (dead keys too) - hotkeys for map swapping (selectors) - list of programmed keys - hidden mode - much more ** GET THIS ** 29KB  
APKWMEM32.ZIP 2MB 7KB 12-09-97 Battime V1.0 enables you to launch series of Win95/NT programs with only one icon. 12KB 01-08-98 Beyondo is a full 32-bit application for 95/NT. With this program you can alter the systemdate of your PC for a short period of time (it sets the date back on exit).
BLA.ZIP 230KB 04-26-97 Boot Log Analyser Looks at your Windows95 BOOTLOG.TXT file and calculates the time taken to load each driver etc in order to help in locating any cause of long boot times. 13KB 15KB 06-14-97 Program supplies a working command line similar to the "Run" menu on your desktop with a few extras tacked on. Just like you use the Windows95 Start Menu Run... command. Type in a command and press return. Include the path to any application not in your system path. You can also launch documents by their associated program and Windows95 shortcuts with or without specifying the .LNK extension. 10KB 06-14-97 One day as I prepared to connect to the net for a round of surfing I sat back with a scowl and realized I spent WAY too much time loading up all the necessary apps. Click menu load email client. Click load web browser. Click load FTP. Click load news reader. Etc etc click click. And so was born the BR Button Pusher. 150KB 01-10-97 This little utility is designed to get you where no task manager has ever brought you before. Unlike many other task manager programs this one has quite a few extra features that we thought would be useful that are normally not present in common manager utilities. 102KB 06-16-96 I'll try and explain what CD Equaliser is but it's not easy since CDEq is unlike anything else I've seen for the PC. Basically CDEq listens to what the music is doing on the audio CD in your CD-ROM drive and changes the picture on the CDEq window appropriately either by altering the colour the image itself or both. The result is some very interesting shapes that alter in time with the music. 357KB 11-15-97 Configuration LifeGuard for Windows 95 The purpose of the program: configuration and main system files backup & restore utility for Windows 95
CLPMAG11.ZIP 802KB 04-11-98 Clipboard Magic is a freeware Windows Clipboard archiving tool. Any text copied to the Windows clipboard is automatically archived in Clipboard Magic. This text may be copied back to the clipboard with a click of the mouse. Text may also be added manually.. 50KB 12-09-97 CLIPTEXT v1.0: Access commonly used texts fast! This program stores bits of text that you commonly need (such as addresses) and copies them to the clipboard so you can paste them into your application. It only requires three keypresses to get the program running and get the text into you document!
CMOUSE96.ZIP 35KB 02-24-97 Cool Mouse 96 for Windows95/NT Cool Mouse 96 is a middle mouse button utility which makes your work more easier. It includes some powerful features which can be selected via taskbar systray icon (near the clock) according to your wish. Cool Mouse 96 properly works under Windows 95 and it should work under Microsoft Windows NT. 2MB 03-02-96 ** GET THIS ** The Confirminator was designed to provide you with an option that Microsoft left out of Windows '95: automatically confirm file folder menu item or icon deletion! Just place this program into your StartUp folder. The Confirminator will run invisibly (after a few seconds) and watch for any Windows '95 dialog boxes asking you to confirm deletion. The Confirminator will immediately hit (ENTER) whenever such a confirmation box appears thereby saving you time and effort. 179KB 12-28-97 Tired of having to type in the same thing over and over again into applications ? This program will let you enter 10 words or phrases (60 letter max) and then paste into applications at will. 198KB 01-06-97 Tired of having to type in the same thing over and over again into applications ? This program will let you enter 10 words or phrases of unlimited length (16K) and then paste into applications at will. 226KB 03-13-98 Tired of having to type in the same thing over and over again into applications ? CopyText will let you enter 10 words or phrases of unlimited length (16K) and then paste into applications at will. It will also keep track of the clipboard with easy access to the last 12 text entries and you can have quick access to 7 of your favourite programs - all from an icon menuu
CPROMPT.ZIP 424KB 02-14-98 C Prompt utility This program will add the option to go to the C:\ prompt on the right-click menu of any file or directory you currently have highlighted. This program is written in 32-bit Delphi for Windows 95 only 522KB 09-06-96 This program will add the option to go to the C:\ prompt on the right-click menu of any file or directory you currently have highlighted. This program is written in 32-bit Delphi for Windows 95 only. 52KB 01-21-97 CPU Monitor v1.3b5 Monitor adds an icon to the Windows 95 System Tray, which shows the current utilisation of the systems processor.
CTP2INFO.ZIP 25KB 04-27-98 True or Forged? Test Your Pentium II Computer Since 1994 c't reports about counterfeit processors beeing sold in ever changing varieties. The current wave mainly consists of Pentium-II-233 or Pentium-II-266 sold with forged casing as 300-MHz-versions. In this case there's the unique chance to expose the frauds through software.. 6KB 04-01-97 DateSave for MS-DOS Saves the system date to a file and restores it. Allows you to defeat the time expiration limits on some programs. (BTW please register all shareware) 758KB DigiClock v1.4 Build 2 It's a Digital Clock for the Windows 95 or Windows NT environments How big is it? All the files take up just over 360kb and takes up less than 2% of memory resources. 27KB 04-03-97 Delayer v1.0 for Windows - Execution delayer Lets you set up Window icons to run a program after a given delay from 1 second to 24 days. Includes repeat option for periodic execution
DESKPAD.ZIP 23KB 04-14-98 This archive contains DeskPad a simple freeware notepad app for Win95/NT with stay-on-top feature and the ability to remember its screen position between settings.
DESKTOP.ZIP 372KB 02-14-98 The Saver Utility This utility will start the screen saver by clicking on the saver icon in the tray or by moving the mouse to a user defined screen corner. This program is written in 32-bit Delphi for Windows 95 only 384KB 07-31-96 Disappear is a little utility that makes the background of Windows 95 icons on the desktop disappear. To use the program just place it in the Startup Folder. When it runs at startup the icon text backgrounds will disappear. To make the background visible again just remove the program from the Startup Folder and restart Windows. ** TRY THIS **
DRTOOL2.ZIP 86KB 05-06-97 After you have installed Windows95 950b and you made a 'mem /c' you'll cry about that 40kB block that 'himem.sys' takes for nothing. The solution is quite easy: Just write 58h at offset 51F6h in file 'io.sys' - or use this great 200 line program
EASY110.ZIP 187KB 04-09-98 Easy PopMenu V1.1.0 Basicly this proggy will just help you make full use of David Griffits PopMenu applets. It will generate html code that you can just put in your homepage. Or even you can save in a file to alter it later
ELAUNCH.ZIP 410KB 02-14-98 The Notepad Launcher This program will add the option to view any file with notepad or wordpad on the right-click menu of any file or directory you currently have highlighted 585KB 09-13-97 ERS32 : Emergency Recovery System 32 bit. Win95 system files backup and restore including the Registry. Excellent and reliable backup and restore program. Program was made when found that Win95 ERU CFGBCK and when Win95 says restore registry from backup is not 100% reliable Backup done from windows and restore has to be done from the Command prompt. The files are: System.dat System.da0 User.dat User.da0 System.ini Win.ini MSDOS.sys IO.sys Protocol.ini" 721KB 11-15-97 "Extremely Simple POP Mail Check will check a POP3 mail account for new mail and then notify the user when new messages arrive. It has various notification methods including playing user-specified sounds launching a program and displaying a number in the system tray which corresponds to the number of new messages. In addition the user has the option to send a 'key sequence' to the program being launched (as if actually typed on the keyboard.)" 228KB 01-16-97 Command Prompt Facelift is a command prompt that runs under Windows 95. Because Command Prompt Facelift runs under Windows 95 it also allows you to do all of the standard text manipulations you have come to expect. Cut paste copy theyre all there. And since its in Windows its a snap cutting and pasting between other Windows programs.
FAKECD.ZIP 10KB 09-03-95 Fakecd is a program that simulates a CD-ROM drive with a directory of a hard drive. Its intended purpose is to allow running of CD-based software entirely from a hard drive. 12KB 08-14-97 FastText lets you paste text strings that you use a lot in any text you want by pressing just a few keys. 223KB 10-29-96 FDFiles uses the "last access date" date stamp available under Win95 and WinNT to help you "find dead files" on your system. Over time unused files can accumulate from old applications you've upgraded or no longer use or undeleted temporary files. FDFiles lets you find these files and remove them from your system. If you are running FDFiles under Windows NT you will need version 3.51 or higher. 41KB 03-22-98 FileNote is little FREEWARE shell extension for Windows95/NT4 that adds one command to context-menu of file object. This command lets you easily edit or create text file that has the same name as the initial file but with the TXT extension. This extension may be useful for you if you are attaching such text comments to your files. Now you don't need to create those text files manually
FONTSHOW.ZIP 85KB 12-16-97 got so many fonts you can't remember what they look like?? this program can help 84KB 09-08-97 Freemem is a simply program to show the current available physical memory. It takes almost no desktop space and uses only few resources. 215KB 06-03-97 Bill Reid's FolderWatch 2.0 for Windows95 Program provides an automated method of keeping up with additions to / deletions from a particular set of folders. Designed to help me keep up with new files being posted on our network that demand my attention. Select the folder the conditions under which you want to be alerted and let it watch. The next time a change meeting your specs occurs you'll be alerted. 273KB 08-04-97 PolterGeist will run a program at a certain frequency in a defined window type based on the contents of the schedule file. 1MB POLTERGEIST - DLL FILES ONLY PolterGeist will run a program at a certain frequency in a defined window type based on the contents of the schedule file. 26KB 12-29-97 Hot Clips-On-ice is a program that extends the standard microsoft windows clipboard. It remembers upto 10 sets of 12 of the previous clipboard contents. Giving you easy hotkey access to each of them. 18KB 11-30-96 HIDDEN allows you to start any program so that its main window will not appear. This is a useful program in cases where you want to keep certain programs running but you do not need to interact with them. Having their main window invisible will help unclutter your desktop.
IMPVIS~1.ZIP 8KB 04-24-97 ImpVisible is a simple and small app that provides a hot-key that makes the top window invisible so that the windows beneath can be seen. Handy for when you need to glance at programming help file hidden by the IDE etc.
INCTR3.ZIP 239KB 07-10-96 InCtrl 3 lets you track system changes made by Windows 95 and Windows NT installation programs. Like InCtrl 2 for Windows 3.1 it tracks file additions and deletions as well as changes made to .INI files. In addition it handles long filenames and tracks changes to the Registry. InCtrl3 is a 32-bit program and requires Windows 95 or Windows NT.
ITM.ZIP 319KB 04-16-97 Ever tired up of those app that were desgined for Windows 3.1 and would be very cool to have in the tray? TrayMinimizer will execute an application (.exe .com or .bat) and give it the ability to minimize to the tray it didn't have before! It will be minimized using the progam's main icon and its main window name. Really as if it was natively minimized!!
KEEPER.ZIP 989KB 04-20-97 Password Keepr 1 passwords. There is no limit on the amount of passwords or registration numbers it can save. 350KB  
LOUPE32.ZIP 99KB 09-20-97 Screen Loupe for Windows 95/NT displays a magnified view of whatever is beneath the mouse cursor much like a printer's or jeweler's loupe As you move the mouse about the desktop the Screen Loupe window will display the region currently underneath the mouse at the currently selected viewing magnification.
MAGICDSK.ZIP 10KB 04-25-96 Magic DeskTop is a small utility which will enabled you to hide or show the Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 desktop icons. Note that if you make a Double-Click on the desktop when the icons are hidden it will open the Start Menu. 53KB 06-12-96 MButton is an EXE and DLL that hooks into the middle button message and generates a double click instead. It will work with both Windows NT (i386) and Windows 95. However it is aimed for users of Windows NT who have a 3 button mouse and wish to have middle button functionality.
MEMSTATS.ZIP 15KB 05-24-95 This utility displays the current memory status of Windows 95 including the total and available physical RAM total and available paging memory total and available virtual memory and free system resources. 127KB 10-06-97 Naf - Not Another Font Viewer - is an easy to use utility that provides in a single window a way to view all the fonts installed on your PC. Font faces can be compared styles applied and viewed different point sizes selected your own text entered or pasted and a sample sent to print. 32KB 11-22-96 Nail It! ======== This program runs in the system tray and allows you to make windows sticky so that they remain above other windows. This is useful for keeping readme files such as this one visible while installing software keeping floating clocks in sight and lots of other uses. 59KB 11-22-97 Newnix Shell A totally new way to use your computer. With easy to use commands similar to UNIX you can finally take full control over your computer!
PARMON.ZIP 120KB 04-22-97 Parallel Port Monitor (c) 1997 Fred Bulback Parallel Port Monitor is a utility that permits the three registers of the parallel port to be spied upon.
PASTES2.ZIP 10KB 04-21-98 Paste Station 1.02 Do you ever wish you could copy text from more than one place or paragraph before doing a paste? Well now you can with Paste Station!
PCOPY.ZIP 414KB 02-09-98 Path Copy This program will add the option copy the path of the current selection to the clipboard. It may then be added to any item that may have data pasted to it from the clipboard 12KB 06-17-96 Popopen for WinNT/95 Overview - This is a tiny program which causes windows to appear to expand when they open rather than just appearing. 126KB 78KB 09-11-97 The Quantum Checks This package includes various tools for hardware detection measure of overall system performance and a complete and comprehensive documentation. -- Includes The Free Hardware Guide 1.00B -- A Complete guide with general technical information about the IBM-PC compatible featuring: processors memory storage devices video cards and modems. 126KB 01-10-98 Quick Control is designed to provide you with the most common Control Panel applets at the click of a button. When you use the Control Panel a lot it can become very annoying to have to keep opening the Control Panel from the start menu. Now you just have to right click on the Flashlight icon in your system tray (the area to the right of your task bar).
QNOTES32.ZIP 165KB 06-29-97 Create a shortcut to Quick Notes in your windows\start menu\startup folder. This will load Quick Notes each time you start windows. Quick Notes has been designed to simply and quickly allow you to keep notes withought having to run notepad.exe and save notes everytime you need to remember something. Quick Notes will automatically save your notes when you close it. ** very handy **
QUICKRUN.ZIP 118KB 06-27-97 I use the keyboard a lot so I spent a lot of time using the Run command on the Start Menu. It just didn't do what I needed so I did this little app. It has some features that make it much better than the Start Menu's Run command. Hope you enjoy it let me know if you do...
QUIKWD13.ZIP 248KB 05-25-97 QuikWord types words sentences or numbers you frequently use to most Windows applications. Create Save and load macro sets of frequently used numbers or quotes. Use with almost any Win95 program that you input text such as MS Word NotePad Web browsers Online Chat programs etc etc. 72KB 04-23-97 ReBrand 1.0 - For Windows95 ONLY! IS Professionals know that migrating to Windows 95 in the corporate environment can be a grossly time-consuming experience. If you've figured out how to clone those Win95 machines to save mucho time but can't figure out how to get the correct license information branded into each copy ReBrand is the answer. 15KB 08-12-97 Regdrop is a utility for registering and unregistering components. RegDrop can be used several ways. The easiest way is to make a short cut to RegDrop and place it on the desktop. Then just simply drag the component that you wish to register and drop it on the RegDrop icon. RegDrop will then attempt to register the component and return a result code. 163KB 12-23-97 RegMonEx is a registry monitoring tool. Once running it captures all calls to any registry releated API function and displays them in the RegMonEx-window. 157KB 12-23-97 RegMonEx is a registry monitoring tool. Once running it captures all calls to any registry releated API function and displays them in the RegMonEx-window. 123KB 03-02-98 Thank you for downloading REGULATE which is a set of functions to backup and restore the vital system files to hard disk or floppy. Also included are backup and restore of LFN's (Windows Long File Names) and condensing the registry files. These functions work with all versions of Windows 95 and FAT32. 77KB 01-24-97 Reminders for Windows 95/NT v2.4 Reminders for Windows provides a simple means of creating on-screen reminders for important events. Event reminders are triggered when the specified time and date occurs. Reminders can be created to trigger messages on a daily weekly monthly or annual basis. Reminders can also be used to run programs as scheduled events. 172KB 01-10-97 Revision is a simplified VC (version control) utility that is designed to help you keep your data safe. It is filled with options that will make your life easier and headache free. Revision allows you to: 1) run a program like an archiver program (like pkzip) 2) specify a directory to be copied to backup your data to a different location. This can be done manually on press of a button or as an automatic event by setting the timer to a certain interval. What makes Revision different from all the other schedules is that it allows you to keep all of the backups and not just the recent one by providing an option to automatically change the destination's name before making the backup so that all the files stay separate from the previous backups (see program for details). 22KB 03-10-97 Windows 95 has a set of 'hidden' programs and logs for the power user. RevIt gives you easy access to them by just the press of a button. Depending on your installation of Windows 95 it is possible that some programs or logs are not available. RevIt gives you access to : - The Registry Editor - The System Files Editor - Make win3.x programs compatible with Win95 - The tip of the day - The File Manager - The Program Manager - The Task Manager (new in RevIt V1.1) - The OLE Packager - The Boot log - The Detected Hardware log - The Setup Log - The Scandisk Log 537KB 04-15-98 Rix2k Update - Special Simtel Edition Rix2k is a collection of extreme power tools for Windows NT/9x for the system developer or system administrator. Anyone of course may use Rix2k
RTOOLS.ZIP 494KB 05-01-98 R Tools is for Windows 95 & 98 (BACKUP) and restore the windows reg and system files (CLEAR) the files out of the folders :cookies :history :start menu documents :temp :temporary internet files in C:\Windows. (Quickie) is a fast reboot that uses no memory or resources.
SBHACKER.ZIP 12KB 03-10-97 Start Button Hacker This program is a beta release of my latest creation. It allows you to modify the text on the start button and the tooltip which appears when the mouse hovers above it. This application requires some degree of tecnical expertise to use though this readme file should get most users through the process.
SCHED32.ZIP 18KB 03-28-97 Scheduler For Windows Ver. 1.01 - 32-bit Scheduler is a very simple Windows scheduling program. You simply select the date (or leave ** for everyday) and the time you would like the program to run. You can select either 1 time (if usuing dates) or ** if you want to run it everyday. 34KB 01-15-98 Script is a small program which allows automation of Windows (95/NT) tasks through the use of files containing command lists. It is with the exception of the actual scripts self contained. That means no external dll's no registry entries no ini files. To install script just copy script.exe to an appropriate directory. If the scripts are in a different directory than the executable then the full path to them will need to be specified. 53KB  
SELALL.ZIP 384KB 03-24-98 Select All Right Click Context Menu item - Right click on any object in Explorer or My Computer and Select all is an option 53KB 07-30-96 ** VERY HANDY ** Ever had a cluttered display with some windows totally hidden under other ones? SendToBack is a small utility that will enable you to send any window to the back (or bottom) of the pile of windows on your desktop allowing you to access windows that were under it and you will be able to access all the windows on your desktop without having to minimize or close any of them. 20KB 01-04-98 System Shootdown is a simple program to shutdown/reboot windows*. It offers you one click or two click shutdown/reboot from the system tray the little icon box on the taskbar. It also offers immediate shutdown/reboot via a commandline option. The program is very lean and clean; no bells or whistles and uses very little resources.
SLEEPER1.ZIP 18KB 12-11-97 Sleeper version 1.3 Activate or disable your screen svaer on mouse command 160KB 11-09-97 Screen Saver Change Bored with seeing the same screen saver time after time? This allows chosen screen savers to be changed randomly or sequentially after a user defined time period. Requires Windows 95 will not work on NT. 24KB 12-29-97 SimpleSetup is a program which performs three simple steps: Displays a purple background - Installs an INF file using Windows95's standard setup.dll - Displays a readme file - Windows 95 has its own inbuilt installation program. This takes a special kind of file - an INF file - and can copy files delete files alter INI files and add or delete keys and values from the registry based on the settings read from the file. Unfortunately it has no user interface and that's what this simple program attempts to provide. 12KB 06-06-97 Stars 6 (Scrolling Starfield) is my latest scrolling starfield It features: Multilayer stars Up to 12000 stars on screen! Buffering to eliminate shearing fps counter 6KB 07-16-96 Startup Screen Changer Version 1.2 Tired of starting Win95 with those Bill Gates clouds? Want some variety in your startup screens? This program allows you to put a whole bunch of startup screens (acquired separately -- see below) in one place and have one chosen at random to start each time. 130KB 17KB 1MB 06-29-96 The Small Utilities 2.0 for Windows 95 have gone from being nice to have in their previous version to being essential system tools no computer should be without in this new version. 38KB 01-05-97 SwapMONITOR by flipTech International One of the most useful utilities for those thinking about buying more RAM for their Windows95 PC's. 32-bit utility which tracks your swapfile usage and helps you make intelligent decisions about how much RAM you need. WIN95 Req's VB4 Runtimes. 17KB 06-30-96 Tab2Desk is a small Windows 95/NT 4 application that lets you use the Taskbar's "Minimize All Windows"/"Undo Minimize All" facilities from the keyboard and get to your desktop icons without having to use the mouse. It finally answers the question with Windows 95 of "why can't I use Alt+Tab to get to the desktop?".
TASKAPP.ZIP 125KB TaskApp is a free simple to use Windows 95 program which will minimize in the Windows 95 tray. A right click will activate a popup menu which allow you to launch everything you want which is launchable in Windows 95 (executables folders etc.) 495KB 09-22-97 Time Clock 1.2 Time Clock can start other application at specific times. This update has the following new features: auto close, Time Clock closes automatically when there are no more tasks to execute. 62KB 11-29-97 TimeMaker Ver. 1.4 TimeMaker allows you to change your system date prior to starting an application and resets the date after a certain time limit or when your application is closed. Why should I want to do that? It comes handy when you would want to change the system date for any reason prior to starting a certain program.
TRAYER.ZIP 138KB 04-12-98 Trayer version 1.0.0 program that runs applications as icons in the system tray area instead of as a button sitting in the taskbar (Oh no yet another one). Ideal for programs like WinPopup CDPlayer or any background processing programs that you want to keep running without taking up the taskbar space 103KB 07-22-96 TrayUtil v1 by Johan Telstad Well just a simple util really... Double-click the icon in the systemtray to close all open Explorer windows. Right-click for other options. 15KB 12-24-96 Tray Shortcuts allows you to add any shortcut to the system tray. Simply copy the shortcuts that you wish to appear in the tray to the folder that contains Tscuts.exe, the Tray Shortcuts executable, then launch Tray Shortcuts. The shortcut icons will appear in the system tray. Remember that Tray Shortcuts will not display executable or document icons in the tray; it will, however, display any type of shortcut. 152KB 01-09-98 Ever wanted to have all of your most important applications at one place - best at the the taskbar notification area (system tray) but without loading all programs directly when starting Windows ? TaskIcon allows the user to add custom icons to this area. Then by double-clicking on one icon the application associated with the icon will be launched. You may also put all the programs in a PopUp-Menu coming up when clicking on the TaskIcon-Icon.
TUI98.ZIP 101KB 05-10-98 "Tweak UI" allows you to fine-tune ("tweak") the Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 User Interface ("UI"). ** advanced users only * 1MB 09-18-97 Visual Basic Runtime files - current versions 9/10/97
VERN16.ZIP 165KB 05-05-97 Vern is the Virtual Environment Resource Navigator. With Vern running you can have many programs running each occupying its own Virtual Screen. This makes for a cleaner looking desktop and can actually speed up the look and feel of Windows; when a program is sitting in an area of Vern Space that is not currently active the Operating System will not waste any time redrawing that application. For example if you have a word processor running in one Vern screen and a spreadsheet running in the next you can quickly switch between those two screens with the windows Alt-TAB task switching mechanism and provided that the auto activate option is selected Vern will change to the virtual screen where the window is located.
W95-11D.ZIP 304KB 01-21-97 This is my new/updated/improved (version 11d Freeware) of Windows 95 and MS-DOS 7.00 Setup/Config/Tweaking Hints/Tips/Tricks text files.
WATERFAL.ZIP 117KB 05-06-98 Waterfall 1.23 Decrease your CPU temperature up to 30C! Waterfall is a wonderful little program that uses advanced instructions found in Intel Cyrix AMD and IDT CPUs (Pentium or later) to make them run much cooler without any loss in performance or stability! Instead of replacing your fan/heatsink combo give Waterfall a try! This little utility uses much less resources than CPUIdle and does not require VxDs or DLLs. Because it doesn't need to issue hundreds of VxD calls per millisecond it runs EVEN COOLER than CPUIdle. For Win95 & Win98 - ** NOT for Win NT ** 19KB 53KB 11-12-97 Window Control 1.4 for Windows 95 3.1x This program gives the user complete control over all their program windows. This can be done either automatically or manually. You can hide resize position top move and rename any windows. Shutdown or restart your PC with one click. 24KB 03-27-98 WINDOW version 1.1 Window is a simple program that allows you to hide the main window of any program on your machine. All you need to do to hide a window is know the text that is in the title bar of the window - This is as simple as looking at it 647KB 02-07-97 WinShade is a Windows 95/NT 4 desktop utility that gives you control over your windows. With WinShade you can assign various commands to mouse button clicks that occur on window title bars. These commands include minimize maximize Rollup/Unroll Send to bottom and "Keep on top". The "Rollup/Unroll" command allows you to "roll up" the window into its title bar leaving only a thin horizontal window on the desktop. 150KB 06-30-97 WinShaper v1.0 Tired of rectangular windows? With this application you can change the shape of any window on desktop!!! Window of any program can be shaped as a triangle a circle a cross a heart and many more... - for W95 14KB 06-30-96 A Windows 95 approximation to the UNIX "top" program. See whats stealing all your CPU time. Every 2 seconds WinTop recomputes information about the processes running in the system. % CPU CPU Time Threads. very handy
WS10B.ZIP 377KB 04-26-98 WINSIZE v.1.0b (for Windows 95) Do you hate it that every time you open notepad it reverts to its pre-defined original size no matter how many times you resize it? Winsize will teach any application to remember its last size and position. Thank God
WTITLE.ZIP 21KB 03-27-98 WTitle version 1.0 WTitle is a simple program that allows you to change the title of the main window of any program on your machine. All you need to do to change the title is know the text that is currently in the title bar of the window - This is as simple as looking at it
ZEROF.ZIP 2KB 08-30-96 ZERO V1.1 Allows you to put Markers or Dividers in your Directories without using any Disk Space (0 Bytes Length). Also Truncates existing Markers or Dividers to 0 bytes.

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Last modified: 6/17/98, 9:56:27 PM