Resolution to Meet Green Sanctuary Requirements

A UUCT Resolution to Meet Green Sanctuary Requirements

Whereas :

  • Global warming, accelerated by atmospheric accumulation of CO2 from excessive burning of fossil fuels, is perhaps the most significant current environmental threat to planetary stability and has the potential to seriously disrupt ecosystems everywhere [and that]
  • Transportation, food, and household activities collectively account for the creation of 80% of greenhouse gases, 77% of common air pollution, 67% of common water pollution, and 75% of common habitat alteration [and that]
  • Average household cars are responsible for 3.7 tons of greenhouse gas emissions which is just over one-fourth of all greenhouse emissions linked to household purchases [and that]
  • Food also has a pervasive impact on our environment with sixty percent of our country's land area devoted to either crops or grazing with other significant impacts of agriculture including fertilizer and pesticide use, handling of animal wastes, water quality degradation and erosion, and air pollution and greenhouse gas emission from energy use and ruminant livestock [and that]
  • Meat and poultry consumption in particular have a large impact on common water pollution, water use, and most important, land use [and that]
  • The following three areas of household operations: 1) heating, hot water, and air conditioning; 2) appliances and lighting; and 3) water, sewage, and solid waste disposal, place the greatest burden on the environment. The first two these categories contribute the most to greenhouse gas emissions (31%) and common air pollution (24%) * [such that]

We now therefore resolve, that the friends and members of the UUCT congregation pledge as individuals and households to adopt the following programs;

  • 1) 1-2-3 Response to Global Warming
  • 2) Food for Thought (And Action!)
  • over the course of the next year in order to meet critical Green Sanctuary requirements and make a conscious commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming and the associated impacts of air/water pollution and habitat alteration.

* Reference: "The Consumers Guide to Effective Environmental Choices – Practical Advice from the Union of Concerned Sciences" by Michael Brower and Warren Leon.

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