A Unitarian Universalist Reading List

A varied collection of information about Unitarian Universalism. Courtesy of the First Unitarian Church of Oakland, California

The Autobiography of a Minister
This is a "journey" style book.

Being Liberal in an Illliberal Age , Jack Mendelsohn, 1995 Edition

Black Pioneers in a White Denomination, (3rd Edition) by Mark D. Morrison-Reed
A look at the black experience in Unitarian Universalism. Contains stories of two pioneering black ministers and accounts from some of today's more integrated UU churches.

The Critical Way in Religion by Duncan Howlett
A history and defense of the critical as opposed to the ecclesiastical way in religion.

Divinity School Address, Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Epic of Unitarianism by David Parke
A documentary history of Unitarianism through the ages. Fascinating reading.

A History of Unitarianism by Earl Morse Wilbur
A detailed, two-volume history beginning in the 15th century. Currently out of print but available in libraries.

The Journal of Liberal Religion
An online theological journal devoted to the study of liberal religion published by the Meadville/Lombard Theological School in Chicago, Illinois.

The Larger Hope by Russell Miller
A fully detailed, two-volume history of Universalism.

On Being Human Religiously by James Luther Adams
The author's philosophy as a liberal theologian.

Our Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by John Buehrens and T. Forrester Church
A lighter touch than the previous two recommendations.

Today's Children and Yesterday's Heritage by Sophia Lyon Fahs
A philosophical work that points out the importance of religious education.

The Transient and Permanent in Christianity, Theodore Parker

The Unitarians and the Universalists by David Robinson
An easy-to-read scholarly history. Not written by a UU.

Unitarian Christianity, William Ellery Channing

Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide edited by William Schultz
An accessible guide to UU beliefs, practices and history.

Universalism in America: A Documentary History by Ernest Cassera
As the title indicates, a documentary history. Excellent reading.

UUism On-Line

"UU Origins: Our Historic Faith"
An on-line pamphlet created by the Unitarian Universalist Association which details the history of Unitarian Universalism.

"We Are Unitarian Universalists"
An on-line pamphlet created by the Unitarian Universalist Association which gives a very broad overview of Unitarian Universalism.

Many of these titles and more can be found at the Unitarian Universalist Association's on-line bookstore .

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