Green Sanctuary

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The UU Seventh Principle Project believes that a vision of ecospirituality is implicit in living the seventh of our UU principles--respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

In the Fall of 2000, the Seventh Principle Project launched the Green Sanctuary Program, with "Founder's Churches" across the U.S. and Canada. Green Sanctuary asks a church to engage in 17 actions over a candidacy year, organized into six areas of church life:

  • Energy Conservation and Environmental Practices
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Church Communication
  • Religious Education
  • Worship
  • Environmental Justice

To obtain recognition as a Green Sanctuary, a church must follow through on five steps, outlined on the Program Overview, and submit an application for accreditation at the end of the church year.

A church that undertakes to become a Green Sanctuary examines every area of church life--outreach, social concerns, religious education, buildings and grounds, social events, church communication and church administration--to see that its activities reflect respect for the interdependent web. It's walking the talk in a big way, and it gives the church a real sense of following through on its commitments in tangible, outwardly visible ways.

New!! We have our own discussion group. Membership is limited to UUCT Green Sanctuary committee members and other interested church members and friends. Fill in your email address below and click "Join Now ." Come see the group site here.

Select a link below to learn more about our journey to become a
Green Sanctuary.


A UUCT Resolution to Meet Green Sanctuary Requirements

Application for Green Sanctuary Candidacy

UUCT Endorsement of the Earth Charter

Letter to the Committee Soliciting Support for the Earth Charter

A Class Offered on Voluntary Simplicity

"Green" Links

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