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Fantasy Wargaming

Magic and Religion

In Christianity, magic is a sin. This doesn't restrict Christian characters from being magic-users, however. There is a difference between White and Black magic. Still, it would be difficult (but not impossible) to play a highly religious Christian magic-user. Characters who want to play a Christian magic-user are advised to stick to more run-of-the-mill Christians. In Christian lands, magic is kept secret, or at least not blatant, lest even white magic be regarded as witchcraft.

Pagans, on the other hand, allow magic freely. Magic is a gift from the gods (particularly Odin and Freya), and magic-users can practice openly. In fact, magical and religious ceremonies are often intertwined. Magic is not, however, regarded as the most masculine of activities. Men can practice “high” magic (i.e., runes), and only be considered a little ... odd. If they practice “low” magic, though (i.e., peasant magic), they are seen as downright effeminate. Male magic-users in pagan society are never very highly regarded. This is a social stigma only; even though the gods demand courage of men, magic use is not considered an affront to them. Women can practice magic freely without social stigma — they aren't expected to be masculine in the first place. Generally, though, mostly older women practice magic, and it is generally “low” magic.

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