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Fantasy Wargaming

Women and Magic

In terms of sexism, magic-users are a special case. Magic is not a field restricted to men, like so many other professions. In fact, some types of magic-users (such as wise women), while not restricted to females only, are expected to be female. In paganism, magic in general is considered a feminine pursuit.

Magic can be loosely divided into “low” magic (such as that practiced by peasant wise-women) and “high” magic (the art of Faust-like sorcerers). While women face less discrimination when practicing magic in general, they are usually resticted to low magic. High magic requires resources and study, so it is generally the province of wealthier free men only. Even an upper-class lady is unlikely to get the education needed to master high sorcery, or to have the freedom to devote much time to it.

For more details, see the section on magic

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